
Genetic Improvement Tools

Economic Selection Index

While EPD allow for the comparison of genetic merit between individuals for a single trait, this only provides a small piece of the economic puzzle for genetic improvement. Economic selection index, also referred to as $ Indexes, blend EPD for economically relevant traits (ERTs) and the economics associated with cattle production into a single value. Through well-conceived and rigorous computations, $ indexes estimate an animal’s overall impact on your bottom line. The same technology that led to the dramatic progress in swine, poultry, and dairy genetics over the last several decades was used in the development of ASA $ Indexes.

The difference in $ Index can be used to determine how much a bull is worth compared to another. For example, when buying an all-purpose-type sire, you can quickly figure a bull scoring +100 for $API is worth an extra $6,000 over a +50 bull if both are exposed to 30 cows over 4 years ($50 diff. x 30 hd. x 4 yr. = $6,000).

 weaning weight, carcass weight, feedlot intake, yield grade, salvage value, milk


  • Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold on a grid (carcass grade and yield). 
  • Use if you are planning on retaining females. 
  • A higher value is more favorable.

  • Evaluates sires for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold on a grid (grade and yield).
  • Use in a straight terminal breeding program.
  • A higher value is more favorable.

Expected Progeny Differences - EPD

The most effective tool available for comparing the genetic merit of a single trait between individuals is expected progeny differences (EPD). These values are estimates of the genetic potential that parents will pass on to progeny. An animal’s EPD estimates the additive or direct genes that can be inherited for specific traits (weight, gain, marbling, etc.).

An EPD uses all available information tied to the genetics of a trait including an animal’s own performance data, performance data on relatives, genomics, and progeny data. It’s important to remember that EPD continue to get more accurate and are subject to change as more information is reported. 

In using EPD, the difference between two sires’ EPD represent the unit difference expected in the average performance of their progeny. For example, if sires A and B have EPD of +20 and +10, a 10-unit difference would be expected in the average of their progeny. The key to using EPD is knowing what units they are expressed in. For example, if the above case referred to weaning weight EPD, sire A’s progeny would be expected to weigh on average 10 pounds heavier at weaning compared to sire B’s progeny. If the trait was calving ease, sire A would be expected to sire 10 percent more unassisted births in first-calf heifers on average compared to sire B. 

Percentile ranking is helpful to determine where any EPD ranks relative to the rest of the breed.


  • Reported as the difference in probability of calves being born unassisted out of first-calf heifers.
  • Higher values are more favorable.


  • Reported as the difference in probability of daughters calving unassisted as first-calf heifers. 
  • Higher values are more favorable.


  • Reported as the difference in maternal pounds of weaning weight from an individual’s daughters due to milk.
  • Desirable values are dependent on management constraints.


  • Reported as the pounds of weaning weight expressed in daughters’ progeny due to the milk production of the daughter and the direct genetic effect for weaning growth. 
  • Higher values are more favorable.


  • Reported as the difference in probability of a sire’s daughters staying in the herd until 6 years of age, given that they calved as a 2-year-old. 
  • Higher values are more favorable.


  • Reported as the difference in yearling-age progeny temperament, represented as a difference in probability that progeny will be scored as a 1, rather than a 2-6 on the docility scale.
  • The docility scale subjectively orders individuals on temperament from docile disposition (1) to extremely aggressive (6). 
  • Higher values are more favorable.


  • Reported as the difference in pounds of calf birth weight.
  • Desirable values are dependent upon management goals, however if selecting for reduced calving difficulty the appropriate EPD to use is CE.


  • Reported as the difference in pounds of progeny weaning weight.
  • Higher values are more favorable.


  • Reported as the difference in pounds of progeny yearling weight.
  • Higher values are more favorable.


  • Reported as the difference in post-weaning pounds gained on a daily basis.
  • Higher values are more favorable.


  • Reported as the difference in pounds of progeny carcass weight.
  • Higher values are more favorable. Only economically relevant if producers retain ownership or are driven by terminal performance.


  • Reported as the difference in square inches of ribeye area between the 12th and 13th rib.
  • Higher values are more favorable. Only economically relevant if producers retain ownership or are driven by terminal performance.


  • Reported as the difference in inches of external backfat at the 12th and 13th rib.
  • Lower and more negative values represent less backfat, resulting in leaner carcasses, and are more favorable. Only economically relevant if producers retain ownership or are driven by terminal performance.


  • Reported as the difference in progeny USDA Yield Grade score units (1–5).
  • Lower values represent leaner carcasses with more saleable beef. Only economically relevant if producers retain ownership or are driven by terminal performance.


  • Reported as the difference in progeny carcass marbling score. 
  • Higher values are more favorable.


Still Have Questions?

Genomically Enhanced EPD

Genomically Enhanced Expected Progeny Differences (GE-EPD) are a game-changer for commercial, seedstock, and all beef producers in between.  ASA currently offers two different genomic panels to match your goals: the GGPuLD or the GGP100K. In the case of the GGP100k, the panel evaluates the molecular makeup of approximately 100,000 specific locations on the animal’s genome, some of which have influence on various traits we predict (growth, carcass, stay, etc).

The difference between GE-EPD and standard EPD is mostly seen in the form of increased prediction accuracy. Animals that have GE-EPD have significantly improved accuracy for all EPD as young animals. The way this improvement in prediction accuracy can be measured is by reflecting any improvement in a progeny equivalent. A progeny equivalent is the amount of progeny an animal would have to have born, measured for a trait, and reported to the ASA to receive the same increase in accuracy from a genomic panel. In the case of most of the growth traits, it would take ~25 progeny before a non-genotyped animal would receive the same prediction accuracy as a genotyped animal.
Calving ease
Maternal calving ease
Carcass weight
Birth weight
Weaning weight
Ribeye area
Yearling weight
Back fat
Important GE-EPD distinctions:
  • A genomic panel is not guaranteed to move EPD in a favorable direction. In fact, all animals have equal opportunity to have EPD move in a favorable or unfavorable direction after a test. 
  • The real value in performing a genomic panel on groups of young animals is by increasing accuracy of the prediction. This allows potential purchasers to have more confidence in the predictions, as well as increasing the rate of genetic progress in their herds. 
  • You must allow at least one and up to two weeks from the date a genomic sample finishes at the lab for those results to be incorporated into the genetic evaluation. 
  • Phenotypes are still needed to continue to predict traits with accuracy. A genomic test will improve the accuracy of low- to medium-accuracy animals, but genomics alone can never replace the need for phenotypic measurements.
An important fact:  While genomic tests add accuracy to low-accuracy animals, they can never replace reporting phenotypic data. For genomics to continue to have value, it is vital that breeders continue to submit quality phenotypic data.

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