
Embracing the Digital Age: Junior Members to Soon Receive Digital Copies of the Register

ASA Publication, Inc. aims to serve each member in the best way possible, ensuring that the educational material, news, Association updates, and other relevant content reaches everyone. Recognizing that digital communication allows access to information anytime, anywhere, and is the preference for many young individuals in the beef industry, the ASA Board of Trustees recently passed a resolution that will allow more effective communication with junior members. 

What does this mean? Beginning with the February 2025 Register, all AJSA members will automatically receive a digital version of each issue. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Digital Access Anytime, Anywhere: Junior members can enjoy the convenience of accessing the Register online, ensuring they’re always in the loop with the latest content.
  • Email Notifications: Email alerts will be received each time a new issue is released, guiding junior members to the online version.
  • Social Media Access: The Register will also be available through AJSA’s social media channels, providing another convenient platform for junior members to access and engage with the Association’s happenings.
  • Easy Magazine Preferences: Prefer a hard copy? No problem. Junior members can easily update their magazine preferences by visiting Herdbook.org, navigating to “My Account,” “Update Account,” and selecting “Request Paper Magazine.”

While the transition to digital won’t officially begin until 2025, we encourage AJSA members who prefer a hard copy to update their account settings now. This ensures those members will continue to receive hard copies of the Register without interruption. New junior members will have the ability to select their magazine preferences when completing the junior membership application.

The Register and SimTalk, including years of back issues, are also available for viewing at simmental.org. Like junior memberships, each adult membership also receives the Register, which is mailed nine times annually. Due to the family nature of the cattle business, some households may receive multiple paper copies of the Register. If you wish to receive fewer copies, please email register@simmgene.com with the request.


To opt-in to receiving hard copies of the Register, follow these steps.

Step 1: Log into your Herdbook account.

Step 2: In the “My Account” tab, click “Update Account.”

Step 3: Check the “Request Paper Magazine” box if you wish to receive hard copies of the Register.



Step 4: Click “Next” and lastly, “Final Submit.”

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